Happy New Year!!
The Christmas classes were a blast for us and we hope for you too. Thanks to all of you for sharing gifts, treats, and especially yourselves! We hope that your holiday season was enjoyable and that everyone is ready to dance in 2012! We are already working hard putting things together for recital and we are very excited about it!
Please note that this month’s newsletter has a lot of information in it. Be sure to read all of it.
As we mentioned in our Dec. newsletter, we are currently trying to schedule our rehearsal and recital dates. We will not have a definite confirmation until some time in February. We will notify you immediately as soon as we receive confirmation. Please be watching for more information over the next few weeks and months, concerning costumes, pictures, and schedules. Don’t forget that a recital of $12.00 per student is due in February. It becomes even more important from this time forward that your dancer attends all their classes!
We have collected quite a few items in our lost and found box, and it is beginning to overflow. Please check to see if you have anything in it. At the end of January we will be taking whatever is left to Deseret Industries.
We really want to thank you for getting your costume deposits paid in a timely manner. As many of you know, especially if you have had dancers with us before, we make every effort to keep costs down. Quite literally, we spend the entire year looking for things we can use in our costuming. Now let us address some costuming issues:
*We have been able to find some costumes pre-made in stores and catalog’s this year. This enables us to meet our goals for appropriate costumes, and cost efficiency. We still have some details to finalize and costume pieces we want to locate in stores. Until we finalize these details we cannot give everyone a total cost for our costumes. As we know the cost for each class, we will be sending home statements with each dancer as to their balance.
*Once again this year we will be starting the program with our Creative Movement classes for recital. After they have performed both of their dances we will have them come back out for a bow and then have a brief intermission and excuse these dancers to go with their parents. This will help alleviate the crowding in the dressing rooms, as well as in the audience as we anticipate some people leaving at this time. These classes will only have 2 costumes to purchase as they will not have to come back out on stage for the finale. The rest of the classes will have 3 costumes, one for each of their class dances and one for the finale. We are still working out all of the details for the finale. Whatever we decide the costumes will be simple and the cost minimal. We will let you know as soon as possible.
* Although we don’t want to have any more disruptions in class than is absolutely necessary, we have tentatively scheduled shoe order measurements for Mon. Jan. 9th, Tues. Jan. 10th, Wed. Jan. 11th, Thurs. Jan. 12th, and Fri. Jan. 13th during class. This will be the last chance before recital to order shoes for those of you who still need them. A list has been posted in the studio detailing which shoes each class will need for recital and the cost of each style of shoe. Please check this list and make sure that your dancer has what they need. If you have shoes that your dancer has outgrown and you would like to sell, please bring them in on or before the days we are measuring for shoes. We have tags available to put on the shoes, but you are responsible to fill them out and set your price. All shoes must be paid for when we take the measurements.
*Most of our classes will be wearing nude dance tights with their costumes. We will be placing an order for these so we can be sure that they are all the same shade. The cost of these tights will be included in the dancers costume balance statement. For the classes that are wearing other colors, we will let you know exactly what you will need to get later.
Please check the statement sheet on the front of your envelopes to make sure that we are all on the “same page” concerning what fees you have paid. All envelopes that have been returned to us should have a current statement as of the end of December. Remember that this sheet is the system we are using instead of receipts, so make sure that you return them every month so that we can keep them current. It is always awkward to bring up the issue of fees, but unfortunately this is a detail that we must deal with. I can assure you we all feel strongly enough about dance, that if we could we would charge nothing. However this is not a reality as a studio is expensive to operate, and recitals are very expensive to put on. We have stated that dancers will not be allowed to participate in recital if their fees are not all paid. We understand that this may seem harsh, but at the same time it is not fair to those who stay current if we do not uphold this. We have always been very happy to work with anyone when a problem or situation arises, and will continue to do so. Just let us know at any time!
We hope this newsletter answers more questions than it brings up, but if you ever have a question, please don’t hesitate to call or ask at any time! Thank you so much for all of your support and for giving us the opportunity to work with you and especially your children!